

Community | Made in Japan
Back to the Start | Old Man Canyon
Circulation | JPNSGRLS
The Sound | The 1975
Birthday | Beach Fossils
Midnight's Mirror | Mystery Jets
I'll Do My Best | North Highlands
Up All Night | Kisses
Blue | Peace
Criminal World | David Bowie

I've been over here longing to share a new playlist with you for weeks (well, more like two weeks). And, I guess this is the "first" one of the year (yay!). Though I'm incredibly excited, it seems odd not to write an album review, so I'll still mention a few quick highlights. 1. Old Man Canyon released their debut album, Delirium. It is sublime. Go listen to it. 2. Mystery Jets released Curve of the Earth and I don't think I've ever fallen so incredibly hard for an album at first listen. Just ethereal. 3. The 1975's new tune is very catchy. 4. I found some new, awesome bands: JPNSGRLS, North Highlands, Kisses. 5. I concluded the list with one from David Bowie. I was crushed when I heard he passed away. I was also shocked by how many people were unfamiliar with his work. Take some time to listen to any of Bowie's albums. They are all incredible. 

Hopefully, I will have some new posts up soon. The last two weeks have been very busy, but I have plenty of ideas and the desire to write, so expect something shortly. xx

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